4 min readSep 2, 2020
The Brillant Mind

August 27, 2020

This young man looks misunderstood and brilliant, he looks as if he could be an introvert as well as a college student. He looks Trustworthy like he is about his business. I can see the pain in his eyes and have experienced dishonesty in his past more times than he can count. His loyalty runs deep, and what he wants out of life is to provide for his family and break generational curses. I can see him leading a movement, even a movement as big as a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest. Whatever may interest him creates a significant impact on his life, and he puts forth his best effort in all that he does.

I can see myself in the same leadership with the same scenario because it’s something that I’m passionate about. I’m passionate about the Black Lives Matter movement and everything stands for. I find it challenging to take on other people’s problems because sometimes I take on the same emotions they feel at the time. The sympathy and empathy I have for others sometimes make me fatigued by feeling the same feelings, and having compassion for others, putting my best foot forward to come up with solutions to solve issues that arise.

I am a shy introvert, and public speaking is a challenge that I struggle with daily. I have to practice before I speak in front of a crowd, or my nerves will get the best of me. If I know that I have a speech or presentation coming up, I have to practice weeks in advance to control my nerves. My character compares to the person in the portrait because I am a college student, misunderstood at times and trustworthy, and want to provide for my family.

In another class, I have a group project that I see myself stepping up and taking my classmates’ charge. The challenges I face are that I get nervous when speaking in front of people; I will continue to practice. I will go over in my mind what I’m going to say before I say it, so I can control my nerves and help prevent me from stuttering. Yes, I think it would be terrific to show this leadership to put my ideas and thoughts

September 1, 2020

If I were to be in a position to mentor someone, I think that the most challenging part for me would be; giving the mentee a clear and specific set of instructions to effectively carry out the behaviors necessary for leadership development. Things that are planned sometimes don’t always go accordingly, and that would be difficult for me as a mentor teaching a lesson. I would find it hard to try to regroup to find another way or set of instructions quickly so that I can retain my rapport with my mentee. Potentially knowing that could be a result of my planning makes me a little more nervous than the other actions performed by a mentor.

There is a 16-year-old young lady named Tatiana who lives next door to my mother, and I have known Tatiana since she was a baby. This young lady is brilliant, an honor roll student, a 4.0 GPA, and a member of the Honor Society. Over the years, we have grown close to one another; I look at Tatiana as a little sister, and she looks to myself as an older sister.

I’ve moved out of my mother’s house to start my adulthood and to set myself up for future endeavors. Unfortunately, due to my absence, Tatiana has been going back the wrong path and hanging with the wrong crowd of people and not reaching her full potential by letting her grades slip and being disobedient. I can be a mentor by visiting more and displaying a positive role model to help her get back on track. I can also tell her stories of my past and share the mistakes I have made so she can visually see that the decisions she is making do not apply to the life she wants for herself. I would be helping in the long run to have academic and social success.

I have an older brother who I looked up to when I was younger. He has made a few bad decisions in life and is currently paying the consequences. I always saw my brother as hard-working and dedicated full potential to whatever tasks that were put forth. Lately, life has beaten him down so bad that anything asked of him; he does it half-asked. I can mentor him by bringing life back into him, showing him that even though he has been through some obstacles in his life, that does not define who he is. Reminding him of all the incredible things and lives, he has touched in his life will hopefully courage him to reach his full potential.


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