Friend to Humanity

7 min readOct 22, 2020


Harriet Tubman was a remarkable woman of history whom we all would consider a constant friend to humanity. Harriet earned the name “Moses of her people” by leading about three hundred slaves to freedom. On record, she has made nineteen trips using the Underground Railroad during the journey to freedom. Those numbers are just on the record; I believe that she made many more trips, bringing even more slaves to freedom than we could account for. Harriet is risking her life by breaking the law and escaping to freedom from slavery life on plantations. Then she returns to help those who desire freedom as well. Harriet shows extraordinary discipline, resilience, courage, and persistence. Extraordinary was displayed in Harriet by standing out from the rest of the slaves and taking a stand on escaping to freedom. Persistence was displayed by returning multiple times to help those who also yearned for freedom. Resilience was displayed when obstacles appeared throughout the journeys of multiple trips; she always bounced back from any mishaps. Courage was showed by not being afraid of the perils that will come with traveling to freedom. Discipline was shown when she stuck to specific routes and kept authority over all she traveled with. She maintained being alert despite being weary and hungry. Harriet felt very honored and humbled to help free her slave community from that evil bondage of slavery.

Harriet Tubman, being once enslaved, felt, and experienced malicious acts of white slaveowners. She knew that feeling of being beaten, hungered and, worked almost to death. Other slaves shared similar desires with Harriet; they needed her motivation to help with courage and executing a successful escape. People were either too afraid or content with the circumstances that slaves came accustom to. The fear of being beaten or even hung as a punishment for trying to escape. Some white slave owners even sometimes separated that slave from their families by sending them to another plantation. Everyone put their faith and trust into Harriet because they knew her friendliness to humanity was genuine Harriet’s friendliness to humanity came from knowing that slavery was wrong. I would describe Harriet Tubman as a philanthropist.

In class, we talked about Jeffrey Epstein and Dolly Parton as philanthropists. I view Jeffery Epstein as a philanthropist imposter. Dolly Parton has genuinely been a blessing with all of her fabulous donations to charities and works in the communities. She has always been generous in helping others and being very influential in the music industry. Dolly Parton should never be mentioned in the same sentence as Jerry Epstein, who was a convicted sex offender known for his underage sex trafficking scheme. A sick individual who raped and sexually assaulted underage girls for years. Epstein’s philanthropist reputation comes from the millions of dollars he had not from his work in the community. With a close relationship and neighbors in Panama City with Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is considered to be a philanthropist; I also view him as an imposter. Since Trump has been the face of politics, he has negatively set America’s tone. Donald Trump promotes racism and discrimination through his actions and word choice. He is not respectful and does nothing but relish hate. Some Americans are taking that as an invitation to disrespect minorities, mainly African Americans. Hate crimes have been caught countless amount of times on camera and reflecting within the police departments. Every month there is an innocent unarmed Black slain in the streets by white police officers with little or no justice for families. Rally of hate being hosted by the KKK was taken place in broad daylight without a word coming from the “President” addressing the situation. Remaining silent is just as bad as partaking in the activity. Thousands of immigrants only seek a better life escaping from their countries violence in the “Home of the Free” only to be greeted with hatred.

Other countries including our allies are looking at the United States as a mockery. We have a clown as a reputation that represents the whole country for which was once known as a decent country to be in. Why would anyone take the United States seriously and want to be affiliated with Donald Trump?

I agree with Ida B. Wells when she says that the truest leadership is having a deep, long-lasting love for humanity. Wells’s idea of a true example of a leader who has a love for humanity was Jesus Christ. She even goes on to say that the world has never witnessed someone bless whose life on earth is spayed doing good things for other people. Jesus showed tenderness, patience, infinite love while teaching and serving the fall and humanity. Jesus was a great example of a perfect leader, and I understand why twelve men would give up their life and follow him around. I can only imagine how it felt to witness the miracles that Jesus performed. Jesus performed miracles, feed the hungry, and healed the sick; Jesus even fed five thousand people with loaves and fish. I believe if we could experience somebody like Jesus today, especially in political leadership, it would be monumental. That person of such a statue would show Americans how to care for others or show those who forgot a reminder of what it feels like to do a good deed. America would do a 180 degree in terms of racism, greed, hunger/poverty, and many other issues. Nobody would be homeless, hungry, or poor. Americans would see the change of energy from the new moral built from change. The rich would be less greedy, humbled, and willing to share a portion of their wealth with those who need it to survive.

Foss does not judge any man based on how good or how bad they are. He knew that nobody is perfect in the world, instead of having a scornful eye be a friend instead. Have a house on the side of the road and watch people pass by and offer some assistant. Have sympathy and empathy for those who are delighted in their journey into those who are mournful during their travels. I agree that it’s better to have one’s house metaphorically by the road’s side because we all have things that we have gone through a will go through in the future, so there is no need for us to judge anybody making their journey. We might take the same journey one day; we never know but judging somebody will never be the answer.

My letter to humanity:

Dear humanity,

Humanity is the entire human race, including every single person on earth. I will not pick and choose who I choose to love and be a friend of humanity. Every person I come across will make it my duty always to give my utmost respect and give my best self forward. I do not care about their status: rich, poor, black, white, gay, or straight, citizens or immigrants. We are the human race; we were made equally, and we all bleed the same color. I would never judge anybody because of their situation or their appearance. When society views somebody as an outsider, I will still look at them as human beings with feelings and a sense of belonging. We were not created to be isolated; we as humans react negatively when we feel that we are being isolated from others. A person would never feel isolated with me; they would only be surrounded by love and positivity. I would learn about different world cultures and educate myself on any ignorance I have. If something does not seem to be pleasant to my eye, I will not prejudice that person group. Learning new cultures from different geographical backgrounds will prevent bias and reserved thinking. This will help me to interact respectfully with others when sharing in cultural events. I will be more giving to people and volunteer my services in my surrounding communities. Hosting fundraisers, food drives, and events to help raise money for those in need. I will visit different organizations and charities in my community so I am able to network. Once I am able to network, I can begin matchmaking with people whom I think are beneficial to others. We as people do not have to harvest hate on our hearts, we must love one another. Hate is not a genetic trait for it is taught, we are not born with it. it starts in the home, reflect on your life of how many people wronged you in a way that made you feel sad or disappointed. Now, that would be a reason to show hate or resentment toward that party or individual. Now, imagine showing that same anger towards a stranger whom you personally never met or know nothing about. The only thing you can see is the color of their skin; that is racism. Dehumanizing a person based on their skin color and out casting them from the rest of society is the type of hate being taught. Teach children to love and what it means to value a person. Together we can end racism, war, and senseless crimes. I know it would be impossible for me alone to help every person in the world who needs help, together we can. With help from the rest of the world, change can and will come. Do not lose hope and have faith in our humanity . The change must start within, as Michael Jackson would day “it starts with the man in the mirror”. Please I have promised to do my part, would you join me?


Shaniece Rorie




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