An example of leadership by someone I would consider an insider is a male Army officer who takes charge of his soldier using a loud thunderous voice. Male Army officers are usually Caucasian males, predominately in his early 30s to late 20s, college graduates, and married with a family. Army officers are known to uphold a certain standard when it comes to presentation. Their social media accounts are pictures of their wives and family. Never any pictures of any indecent images like drinking or doing anything that does not uphold their image of being an overall professional and a family man. Holding a particular image makes people gravitate towards them. Not knowing the individual personally, they automatically assume that they are excellent leaders by the image portrayed.
There was a point in time where African Americans and other minorities were not allowed to willingly serve in the military up until President Abraham Lincoln emancipation proclamation in 1863. Back then, African Americans were not allowed to go to college, as well. Some of those same traditions remain the same as Caucasians males still hold higher rank structures as officers in leadership positions. More minorities are serving in high ranking leadership positions today than ever before. In today’s society, African Americans and minorities are still making history for achieving higher ranks for the first time.
In 2016 General Nadja West became the first African American woman to achieve the rank of three-star general in the United States Army. That also made her the first African American woman surgeon general and the highest-ranking woman to ever graduate from West Point. History is being made every day. She has the rank on her chest; however, she does not get the same respect from her subordinates that gets from her peers. When I first hear about this fantastic achievement, I was overjoyed by her vast accomplishment. Unfortunately, when I started to read some of the comments on social media, my stomach turned. Other people don’t care that she worked hard and worked her way up to the top by being knowledgeable and experienced. The fact that she was an African American and a woman, they disrespected her in a way that I could not believe. Instead, they would want somebody who is a male as a leader, not an African American woman as the first black surgeon general of the U.S Army.
An example of someone whom I would consider an outsider would be former President Barack Obama. He lacked the image of former presidents who have held the presidency role before him. Many Americans were upset that he even ran for president, let alone win the actual presidential campaign. Since he did not look like any of the former presidents before him, and the color of his skin and ethnic background did not match those who led before him, he was viewed as unfit to run the country. His leadership background was prevalent to his ability for a presidential role; because he did not look the part, others felt that he would not have been the ideal candidate to run the United States of America.
A few of the disadvantages of being an outsider is that People already have reservations of that individual before getting to know them. Outsiders are faced with obstacles insiders do not experience simply because of what a person does or does not look like. It makes it harder for people to see potential in others because they already have a prejudgment. A disadvantage of being an insider is that they are already prejudged and praised that areas needing improvement sometimes blind them. Thus, the person may not get the best criticism or the best mentorship because people assume that they already know what they are doing. An advantage of being an outsider is that a person can always be the element of surprise. No one ever sees an outsider’s full potential until their actions are viewed as impressive.
Furthermore, an insider’s advantage is that they do not have to work as hard to prove their worth or full potential. It is already a natural given from others just from how that person looks. I would expect an outsider to respond well to criticism instead of an insider who may not have experienced these behaviors from people in the past — outsider and may be used to the strange looks and prejudgment and an unfamiliar insider.
Stereotypes, racism, and colorism (light-skinned vs. dark-skinned) are three examples of divisions that bother me. I can always try to get to know a person before I assume or prejudge them. For example, just because I cross paths with a black man walking down the street at night does not mean that he will be violent or try to rob me. I am not too sure what more I can do about the racism other than continue supporting movements to end. I will love the people who think in that way and pray for a change. Also, by teaching the youth growing up that there is no light skin versus dark skin that everyone’s skin is beautiful no matter if they are black white, and brown, people are beautiful. I will always lead by example; I cannot say one thing and do something different. I will always make sure to practice what I preach.
What makes Binti Master harmonizer is because she is not afraid of people and what they think of her. She is not afraid to go against the grain regardless of what anyone has to say. With bearing this gift, she can bring people together to be a mediator for issues so that she can create solutions and solve problems.
When Binti first announced to her family that she got accepted into Oomza University, she was excited to celebrate her accomplishment. However, she was only to be greeted with such adverse reactions. First, her sister told her that she could not go because she is the master harmonizer and the only good enough to take over the father’s shop when he retires. Her other sister tells her not to be selfish, stop chasing fame, and be rational, that she can’t leave a fly across the galaxy. Both of her brothers laughed at the idea of her attending the University. Binti’s parents said nothing, nor did they congratulate her. That must’ve been very tough on Binti because she was so happy, and I know how it feels to be discouraged by people that you love or that you thought cared about you. I have experience with people not seeing your vision. Not everybody will get it or understand your potential — the fact she went anyway, and she took the opportunity that ended in with a great accomplishment.
When Binti first got the idea to speak with the Meduse’s chief, the shakiness in her voice indicated that she was a little bit fearful. However, she persevered and pushed through her fear to let them know that she wanted to speak to the chief and wasn’t taking no for an answer. While in the presence of the chief, Binti had to complete a task that could potentially end her life and others’ lives. She was asked to drop her Edan, a device that allowed her to communicate to the Meduse and kept her from being killed by one. That showed leadership in the way of building rapport with the chief and the rest of the Meduse. Binti knew that if she could not make herself fully vulnerable to the Meduse, there was no way that they would trust her. She needed that trust in order to for the Meduse to enter the Oomza university peacefully.
harmonizing, or reconciling, your identity as both an insider and an outsider. Consider: are there sides of yourself that you don’t show to others because you are too embarrassed or afraid to, but if you did show them you would be able to exhibit more effective leadership? Think specifically about your upbringing, education, or personal experiences.
One of the behaviors I feel I need to perform to move forward for leadership is parting with the past and undergoing a metaphoric death of your prior self. I have trouble letting go of things, and I prefer things to stay the same. I find it difficult when I have to start over, even when I know it must be done. This behavior is more important for my performance and professional growth. There is always room for growing and learning, and sometimes the past is not always as good for me. Just because it seems comfortable does not necessarily mean it is good for me. I plan to be more open to change, not be stuck in my ways, and be more optimistic. By having the will to learn other people’s language and befriend those, I usually would not befriend. I also want to be more appreciative of technology. Technology is changing every day; something new is being innovated and created every single day. I need to be more grateful and realize the harmony of technology in the spiritual world to take that as an opportunity for professional growth.
Behaviors I find easy:
making friends quickly and deeply based on shared interests, values, and feeling
having curiosity about the world in a number of areas
striving for glory
being humble toward those you would lead
remaining connected to your origins and being grateful for them
restraining strong and otherwise justifiable feelings of anger and outrage when the goal is to achieve harmony and reconciliation
tolerating a certain amount of loneliness
Behaviors I find difficult:
seeing technology as in harmony with the spiritual world
parting with the past, undergoing a metaphorical death of your prior self
learning to speak the language of those who are not like you (and who are even hostile to you)
becoming more like those who are not like you (and who are even hostile to you)
feeling at home when you are away from home
tolerating a certain amount of loneliness